I help Black women feel Free, Fabulous, & F*cked through curated community connections & planning for pleasure on purpose!

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Therapist. Speaker. Author. Educator

Dr. Donna is a transformative, entertaining, but thought provoking speaker who breaks down large concepts like race, sex, gender, and mental health, into bite sized chunks that are digestible and applicable to your organization! She will make you laugh, and she might also make you cry. But don’t worry, this clinically licensed social worker won’t leave you hanging.

For Black Womxn

For Black Womxn

Here are exclusive ways we can work together.

  • This community is for you if you identify as a Black woman who is ready to be in space with other Black women. Here, you are encouraged to be authentic, say what you need to say to feel present, and be in your black feelings!

    Click here to join

  • Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem, self-concept, and self-love are not built in isolation. They are relational, and we have community - that currently resides on Facebook- for and by Black Womxn to learn about being more Free, Fabulous, and better F*cked.

    Why Free, Fabulous, and F*cked? Because we aren’t often any of these things. We are scared of free, pretend at fabulous, and lie on f*cked. Let's live it for real.

    Free means being free of the gaze and expectations of anyone who is not you, especially the white gaze, patriarchy, and your parents.

    Fabulous means not just knowing yourself – good, bad, ugly, but also accepting and learning to love those pieces.

    F*cked is not just for sexual pleasure, though the Dr. Donna Oriowo brand is ALL. FOR. THAT!! But it also means living a pleasure-filled life in general.

    Join the Facebook Community

    Why Free

    Why Fabulous

    Why F*cked


Book Dr. Donna Oriowo to speak at your next event.

So, you wanna talk about race…or sex…or mental health... or ALL OF THE ABOVE! But you need something special , right? So right now you’re looking for a speaker who is thought-provoking. Someone who gets you in your feelings? Want someone who moves you toward change? If you answered “hell yeah” to any of those, then Dr. Donna is who you have been looking for!

  • "Amazing! I learned so much from her webinar in general. "

    Admittedly, this is a conversation I dread having. This webinar addressed my own narrative around my children being sexual beings and how that was impacting my ability to effectively have this conversation and support them in informed decision-making. Dr. Donna guides you through tackling your fears and own narrative around sex and sexuality. The talk is for anyone who is connected to youth. Fear doesn’t prepare our youth to navigate their own sexual identity and if we don’t, someone else will. Have the talk. Let Dr. Donna help you!

    -Dr. Ajita Robinson

    Sex Talk Parent Edition Training Participant

  • "Dr. Donna’s light, fun, visuals were on point in a room full of black women!"

    Goal Digging Webinar participant

  • I loved the presentation,

    I think the dating advice or at least learning how to talk to your family and friends about the topic was helpful as well.

  • I appreciated the reminder and the amount of information and examples about the standards of beauty being around light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. I teach classes to girls and adults (mostly their moms) together, and want to make sure I incorporate some of this info into that class so we can keep expanding the definition of “normal” and “beauty”.

    Amy J.

    Snatched Edges Why Black Hair Matters in Sex Ed Training Participant

  • "I have learned so much."

    This was the most productive, relevant and timely training I have attended. It challenged me and pushed me to do some REAL personal work. Thank you !!!


    The Darker The Berry Training Participant

  • "This was a powerful training"

    I feel like I can have those conversations as a black woman and not feel so judged. I learned about racial identity and how to integrate race and culture into sex ed work. I also learned more about intersectionality and how/where I fit in!


    The Darker The Berry Training Participant

  • I thought Dr. Oriowo’s use of a variety of engaging interactive learning strategies was well-thought-out.

    As a trainer myself, I sometimes wonder “is now the right time for small groups? Paired discussion? Large group movement?” and Dr. Oriowo absolutely nailed each selection. Beyond appreciating the topic presented in its own right, I admired the thought that went into presenting a session for such a large group...Watching her facilitation skills leaves me thinking that if she is on the agenda, I'm attending, whatever the topic.

    -William "Bill" Taverner

    Executive Director for the Center of Sex Ed

  • "Illuminative and transforming"

    I had an opportunity to hear Dr. Donna speak the National Sex Ed Conference in 2017 and her presentation was illuminative and transforming. Her discussion about negotiating race and some of the challenges that exist for people of color was sobering and refreshing. I’m looking forward to future collaborations with her.”

    -Dr. James Wadly

    Editor in Chief of the Journal Of Black Sexuality and Relationships

Upcoming Events

  • CBHG 8 week Therapeutic Group

    August 1st at 6:30 pm edt

    If you are looking to heal the hurts related to skin tone and hair texture while being in a community with others, you're in the right place! The Cocoa Butter and Hair Grease Group will run for 8 weeks starting August 1st at 6:30 pm edt. The group will have a LIMITED number of participants.

  • In My Black Feelings

    Tuesdays at noon (12 pm edt)

    This community is for you if you identify as a Black woman who is ready to be in space with other Black women. Here, you are encouraged to be authentic, say what you need to say to feel present, and be in your black feelings!

  • CBHG: Addressing Colorism & Texturism in the Therapeutic Setting Course

    Multiple dates starting July 2024

    This exclusive course is designed for therapists and mental health practitioners who see women of color, especially Black women and want to be more knowledgeable and better equipped to work on how colorism and texturism comes up in the therapy room.

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