Welcome to the tools area my friend! Here you will find a few tools of the trade that I use personally, with my clients, and that my therapy team uses. These are great, not just because I may sell them, but because I have found these to be super effective.
These tools range in focus from communication & relationships improvement, to self-care and esteem!
My zone of genius is creating workbooks and worksheets, so make sure to check back here often. The more I create, the more that will show up here.
– T H E B O O K
Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease Workbook
Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease is for you if you have ever felt “some type of way” about your hair texture or skin tone. This workbook is for you if want to love you just a little but more than you have or feel you can on your own. Even if you have reached the highest levels of self love, this workbook is designed to help you navigate the narratives we hold in our heads about our hair and skin.