3 Tips for Setting Better intentions and Goals for 2025
Transcript of the video:
Happy 2025 friend! Have you missed me? I know I took myself a little break from social media, and I am back so that we can talk about intentions when it comes to setting those 2025 goals, friend, because that's what we talked about today and in my black feelings, which meets every Tuesday at noon, which means that you can join us in our conversation about wicked next week, meanwhile getting into the goal setting of it all, I realized that, you know, we want to be like New year, new me every year, except that it's still you, and I think that that is the best tool that you have for actually creating setting and following through on new goals and intentions for the year. So friend, let's talk a little bit about three things that you can do, actually a little bit more than three that you can do to make sure that when you are setting these intentions, that and setting these goals, that you know you know, just some things to keep in mind so that you can make it better.
You don't have to start in January.
January is beautiful and arbitrary, but there are 11 other months that you can choose as your starting date to do your work. Me, personally, this girl right here likes to use the first quarter, that's January, February and March, to just wrap up whatever I had going on last year, and I start my new year on the April 1, y'all, when the spring is sprung, that's when I will get to working, because otherwise, I mean, it's cold, I just want to snuggle it up and snuggle down. I don't know about you, that's what I like to do.
Don't forget that your life has already been this thing that's in progress.
And what that means is, don't forget what you already have going on and what you already know you've got coming up. Sometimes we are setting extra goals and extra intentions on top of everything that we already got going in the year. It's not fair. It's not it doesn't make any sense, and it means that you're not setting your goals with intention if you're forgetting that you already have going on. So keep those things in mind and add things that are complimentary, not that are going to fight against the things that you already have going and
We're done with the solo projects, baby.
We are not going to be G's who are moving in silence. We are telling a friend, a close, trusted friend. You don't have to tell the internet, but you are going to have a tribe of people that you can lean on, that can offer you support, that can help kick your ass, and that can help you to make sure that you keep yourself accountable to whatever your intentions and your goals are.
Other things to Consider
Now, while we're also creating these goals, I want to make sure that we're also talking about the fact that you need fun goals, friend, that is something that one of the women IN MY BLACK FEELINGS reminded us of. All of your goals don't need to be about making more money and getting a promotion at work. Those are cute, those are nice, those are lovely. But where's the pleasure based goal? Where's the goal that says you want to have an orgasm a day to keep the doctor away? Right? Like, where's the goal about the things that bring you joy and light up your eyes and your life, make sure that those are present too, even if they even if you want, like, super silly goals, make them happen.
And the other piece is try to relieve some of that pressure by making sure that you're making YOU based goals, so things that are about what you will do and not how other people are intended to respond, or what they are supposed to do, about the thing that you're doing. So say you're trying to be a content creator extraordinaire. Maybe that means that, instead of saying, “I want a million followers,” maybe your goal should be, “I'm going to create great content,” right? And that you're going to do the work to get feedback on whether or not the content you've been posting is great. That could be your goal. It's a you based. It's not a them based.
And of course, use your tools of the trade, put your goals in your phone, make them date bound, right? Use the notions app which was suggested, use your calendar, use your to do list app and create a bingo gold bingo card using Canva.
Those are just a few of my tips and tricks and things to keep in mind as we are setting intentions and goals for the new year, I want you to hit me in the comments below and let me know what are some of the tips and tricks that you got, because Inquiring minds want to know. What's a goal or theme that you have going for this year? Because, again, inquiring minds want to know, and you might could inspire somebody with some of the stuff that you have going on, but go ahead and hit in the comments.
Remember discourse, not disrespect. Keep it cute. Bye. Bye.
The Docs Recommendations…aka TL; DR
You don’t have to start goal planning in January so take your time
Don’t forget that shit is already in progress. This could mean extending the shelf date on some place and not overhwleming yourself with too much to do
Tell a friend so you aren’t doing all things alone
Goal planning and dreaming can be fun and motivating, but not if you aren’t being kind to yourself and using what you know about you to make those plans happen.