3 Tips to Ask for Help!

Transcript of the video:

You know what really frost my cookies?

What frosts my cookies and really get my knickers in a twist, is that a lot of us, we actually struggle to do simple shit like ask for help!

Why we don’t ask for help

  • There’s the eldest child thing.

  • There’s the strong friend thing.

  • There’s the strong black woman thing.

  • We’ve learned that some people don’t even hear us ask for help

“Sometimes we be having Tupac requests when we needed to use our Biggie chest.”

What I mean by that is, you know when Tupac died everybody was like, “Nah, he ain't dead!” Some of y'all are still outside talking about he live in Cuba! Nobody did that when Biggie died, we were just like, “Nah homeboy passed. He passed. Let let him rest in peace. Amen.” [Here is the BLOG on that called: Tupac Vs. Biggie: A Lesson in Conversation] Now I'm saying that when you make a request, it need to be like that. Say it with your chest. Say it with your inner asshole. Make the request for real. Don't make the request for fake. Don't be like, oh, I need help with this thing, but then don't actually make the request. We have to be willing to say the thing.

I gave three tips on how we can go ahead and do that, and that is really a three step process.

  1. Reflect on what it is you need. Sit in it, know what it is.

  2. Write it out with your inner asshole for help, make sure that it’s clear, and then make the request again.

  3. Allow yourself to take in the possibility that someone may say no, but also take in the possibility that they might say YES, and when they say yes that means you get what you need.

So go ahead and hit me in the comments, because Inquiring minds want to know, how do you ask for help, and how have you overcome the barriers that have stopped you in the past?

Remember discourse, not disrespect. Keep it cute in these comments. Bye. Bye.

The Docs recommendations…aka TL;DR

At the end of the day, asking for help is a strength, not a display of weakness. While it does require you to be vulnerable enough to actually ask, the rewards are tremendous for you when you do! Not only are you flexing your vulnerability muscle in asking, but you are also reminding yourself that the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality” is faulty and problematic.

When you ask for help you are also teaching the people around you that it is okay for them to ask for help, too. Not to mention that you might actually get the help you see. So… ASK ON!


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