Catch up on the latest blog posts about mental health, sex, and relationships.
But Did You Break Up Though?: The Games We Play or Why We Stay
Over the last two weeks, there has seemingly been a theme among my clients and friends. It seems that folk are ready to break up. But of course, there are lots of barriers in the way to doing it right, because people are usually scared of the process. For those who don’t know, breaking up does NOT mean ghosting, hitting someone with the slow fade, making them mad enough to break up with you, or talking about how you need time to grow and that one day you might come back. When we break up, we do it right, we do it clean, and don’t leave false hope, or tarnish our character in the process.
On the Eve of Cuffing Season
Finally, that crisp September air is here! With the changing of the season in a week and all of our Autumn plans coming a whole lot closer, we know that cuffing season has arrived!!! With cuffing season usually seems to come a whole lot of expectations and the close kin, miscommunication. You know we have to work on that. Let’s talk about expectations and communication in cuffing season.
A Lesson in Power: The Friend Zone
It's not so much a power exchange, which I think could be a great thing within relationships and relational interactions, but it's more in the context of having and keeping the upper hand to have dominion over the relationship. So in a sense, some are seeking to be G God while their partner would remain a peasant sent do their bidding. Power.
WHAT DO YOU WANT from a relationship (another prerequisite)
Anyway, there are many people who are not in the romantic situation they want to be in. Some feel like they only manage to attract fuck bois and fuck girls. Others feel like they are settling into relationships they would rather not be in (some of which are abusive, though not physically). And even more others are concerned they will end up being single for the rest of their lives because the formula to dating seems to be off for them. When dealing with this in session, with friends, or with strangers on the street, one of my most pressing questions is: “What do you want from a relationship?”
Do You Even Love You?: The Prerequisites to a Successful Relationship
Can you be in a SUCCESSFUL relationship with someone else? Now, I have to throw the emphasis on successful, because if you really wanted to, I am sure we could all find ourselves in a relationship. But just because you “got somebody” doesn’t mean they are the person for you, nor does it make the relationship good or successful.
Dating Games: Talking Politics, Religion, and Race
Dating can be stressful. Adding to the sometimes stressful dating process is the fact that we are living in a time where we all have strong opinions about a lot of important topics. Because it’s a polarizing time, it’s important to be very clear about what issues are important to you when it comes to choosing potential partners. The days of avoiding conversations about politics, religion, and race is over. A lot of us have very strong opinions about these subjects and it’s important to figure out if you’re on the same page BEFORE developing feelings for someone who might have a conflicting world view.
Communicating Sexpectations: If You Put It Down Right
We need to work on setting our expectations around sex and relationships and then making sure others are aware of these boundaries.
– G E T O N T H E L I S T