Catch up on the latest blog posts about mental health, sex, and relationships.

Dr. Donna Oriowo Dr. Donna Oriowo

Masturbation: Debunking the Lies and Answering Your Questions

Between my clients, friends, and followers I’ve realized that there are a lot of folk out there who don’t know much about masturbation or are still carrying the terrorizing lies they heard from way back when. But hey, it’s okay to admit you don’t know a whole lot about it or that you have some questions. What better time to answer them than National Masturbation Month?!

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Dr. Donna Oriowo Dr. Donna Oriowo

COVID & Relationships: How To Make It Work

Relationships are hard enough without a pandemic, yet here we are in the midst of COVID. Some of you are sheltering in place with your partner and some of you are sheltering in place without your partner(s). While you may feel one scenario is better than the other, I'm here to tell you neither one of them are all that rosy.

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Dr. Donna Oriowo Dr. Donna Oriowo

Yea Sweetie, That's Not a Vacation

I hear the same thing with my single clients. They are using up all those vacation days because they’re frustrated about various things going on in their lives. They’re tired of being alone in the house, they’re having problems with some of their friends so their first thought is,

"You know what? I just have wanderlust. I just need to go on a vacation."

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Sexy Time, Relationship Advice Dr. Donna Oriowo Sexy Time, Relationship Advice Dr. Donna Oriowo

The Gaps to Your Orgasms: Where They Are & How to Find Them

A couple of weeks ago, on the eve of the new month, September, a podcast episode for Kings of the Heart release, with yours truly as a guest! We were talking about The Orgasm Gap, or in other words what is and where does the barrier lie that many women are not able to experience orgasm. So let’s talk about why women aren’t able to orgasm.

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Faking Orgasms: We Ain’t Got Time for That Shit

I really wanted to talk about something that I feel is a pandemic that needs to stop. It's something that bothers me, hurts me, and makes me wonder what kind of work I and other sex therapist out here in these streets doing if this is occuring. I'm talking about...hold your breath, faking orgasms.

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Women’s History Month: 20 Sex(uality) Pros Doing the Damn Thing

I wanted to dedicate a blog post to a few Black women (and women of color) whose work revolves around sexuality and are doing the damn thing. What better timing, than Women's History Month.

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 – G E T O N T H E L I S T

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